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April 20, 2011


Keep in mind these are the same folks who dumped the very local Emily Grosvenor for the syndicated "Ask a Mexican" column. So much for local flavor...

Anon, yes, I was aware of that. A.P. Walther mentioned to me that they'd cancelled Emily Grosvenor's column. She's an excellent writer. Emily blogged about her Salem Weekly experience here:

I'm pleased that Emily has found a home at the Salem Statesman Journal, albeit for just one column a month. I enjoy reading her take on all things Salem'ish.

OK, so go to new blog, do two things on Facebook, follow on Twitter. Sorry, I'll have to wait until I move to Salem later this year. Too much to do here around Boston - the Hub of the Universe. When I do move out there, I guess I'll be a stranger in a strange land.

There are strange quarks, also up, down and charmed quarks, so strange is only 25% of the Theory of Everything. But it's a start.

Among the Irish relatives of my childhood, people used the word strange to describe a shy child - you know the kid who hides behind mother when the overbearing aunt comes around. "Don't mind her, she's just strange," Mother would say.

I haven't heard this usage in many years, so I googled "strange" to see if shy came up - yes, #6 of 7 definitions at Dictionary.com. However, a most interesting, also "outdated" use of the word popped up in the Google results at the Urban Dictionary. But I'll never tell.

How anyone can think Salem is Boring escapes me...we have 3 Walmarts, 2 Home Depots, 1 Lowes', and a few Carl's Jr. eateries. Salem is Big-City !

Wayne, don't forget how many Subway sandwich shops we have here. And the numerous all you can eat buffets. Yes, Salem is culinarily exciting!

Good luck, Brian! Blogging is dynamic and interactive, and the conversation is generally more polite than at the SW site. We at DSS wish you the best.

I'm so behind these days; I'm just now reading this.

Having been a Staff Writer at Salem Weekly in days past, I have to say while I've seen some great improvements in the publication in the past few years, I find the voice of the paper under its current editorial leadership to be it's weakest point. It's become so drab, mono-toned and more strictly news-like -- in an alternative you WANT more individual voice, more robust pieces to go WITH your hard factual news... but it's a balance. And a hard one to strike.

Now, it has improved in the past few months, so I have hope, and likewise I continue to admire the commitment and task of putting it out. I know it isn't easy.

s to Salem Weakly, when it was started up, right off the bat, they contacted me and asked me to write up the story of how we saved Opal Creek (non-paid, of course). So, I did it. Imagine my surprise (and disgust), when the issue came out and my piece was rewritten by someone else using my info and nothing was attributed to me! I never even got a thank you! So, my sense of ethics and self-regard prevents me from ever reading it, given the lack of ethics of the owner of it.

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