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April 04, 2011


Maybe on Obama but Ryan could not get through this Medicare destruction without Obama signing off on it as so many other things. Will he hold the ground on this or is he going to do what he just did on civil trials for accused terrorists-- wimp out? Supporting him doesn't seem it will guarantee us anything and with so many Americans clueless that they are impacted by entitlements, I don't have a lot of hope on any of this.

Here's an excellent Daily Kos post on this topic:

I like the questions posed for, so far, an unquestioning press corps:
This plan would save money by limiting the rate of increase in subsidies, but it wouldn't control health care costs. If, as is likely, the cost of health insurance rises faster than subsidies, how will seniors be able to afford health care coverage?

Health care costs are higher for seniors than any other age cohort for obvious reasons. Before Medicare, private insurers didn't want to provide coverage to seniors because end-of-life care can be phenomenally expensive—there's no outliving old age. Why should we expect things to be any different now?

Under this plan, subsidies for private insurance would be means-tested. Wouldn't that turn the subsidies into a welfare program, subject to the the budget axe just like Medicaid?

You claim that eliminating Medicare and replacing it with subsidized private insurance will save costs without lowering the quality of or access to health care for seniors, but you also say that you won't actually eliminate the current system before 2021. If your plan is such a good idea, why wait so long to implement it?

This proposal replace Medicare with a health insurance marketplace nearly identical to the health insurance exchanges in the Democratic health reform bill, yet you oppose those vigorously. Why do you oppose health care exchanges for younger Americans but support them for seniors who will face much higher health care costs and are much more difficult to insure?

During the 2010 campaign you accused Democrats of cutting Medicare by $500 billion, but now you are proposing its elimination in order to save trillions. Isn't that hypocritical?

What about those of us who are disabled and under 55? I need joint replacement and was told I wouldn't even be considered for it until I'm at least 55. By that time, I will have been out of the workforce for 12 years, at least. Who will give me a job at that age? At 43 I was diagnosed and wanted them to fix me so I could go back to work and they told me no, we don't want to have to do it twice..that's their argument for making me wait until I'm at least 55, and perhaps not then. This makes no sense.

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