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April 12, 2011


Well it has to pass the Senate and be signed by Obama before it takes effect. The House Republicans may have done to themselves what many did in Wisconsin with now facing recall elections. At least Americans know what they really want now and if they vote for any of them, they are getting for what they asked. They are counting on American ignorance. Not a bad guess these days.

People should know that if Medicare is eliminated for everyone under 55 in 2011, by 2014 it will be gone for everyone. The current Republican plan is nothing more than some kind of wealth transfer from the middle class to the rich.

How do they think the average American retiree is going to afford Medicare? I don't think the rich are going to miss a few extra bucks when they're paying their taxes towards healthcare.

However Obama still wants rich to pay more taxes and the Current Republican plan is nothing more than some kind of wealth transfer from the middle class to the rich.

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