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March 17, 2011


I don't understand how that is possible. The Sunday NYT costs us $6.00 at the local Starbucks, which I think is the listed price on the paper. Is it possible to get home delivery! Boy, that would save me a 7:00 am trip to pick it up.

Veeper, I carefully checked the Sunday Only subscription price. Unless I'm hallucinating, it's $3.75 a week. I put my zip code, 97306, in, and found that delivery is available in my rural area. Like I said, the family across the street gets the Sunday New York Times.

That's the teaser offer. This is what happens after 12 weeks:
† Receive The New York Times for just $3.75 per week for 12 weeks when you pay by credit card (8 weeks if you choose to be billed). After your introductory period, home delivery will continue at the regular price of $7.50 per week.

Veeper, thanks for seeing what I missed. I just added this as an update to the post:
Somehow I misread the footnote to the $3.75/week Sunday Only subscription price. This is only for the first 12 weeks if you pay by credit card. After that, it jumps to $7.50/week. Bummer. Thanks to commenter Veeper for noticing what I missed.

This changes things. But maybe not by a lot. If I was willing to pay $15 for home delivery and online access, does it make a lot of difference to not get the Sunday edition in paper form? I'd still be able to get unlimited online access via my laptop and smart phone.

And here's a perspective on the issue that I came across today.

I agree with this guy that we need to support genuine newspapers, because otherwise we'll end up only with bloggers like me making up stuff without a factual foundation.

Am I still willing to pay $15 every four weeks to support a great newspaper, without which the world would be significantly lessened? Yes, I think so.

It exasperates me to have to go online to get the news; if I lived in Eugene, I would have the Register Guard, which is at least ten times the SJ.

I hate sitting here getting the news; I dislike TV because the quantity of news is not worth the time spent. I enjoy reading a paper.

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