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March 31, 2011


Right when I saw your tweet on Twitter (I'm @ ReneeJ68) No-Lavatory on Plane - I knew I had to read this blog entry! I'm 30 years old and need a lavatory where-ever I go! I drink a ton of water (severe dry mouth - medication or something) and would have freaked if I was in your shoes and would have never gone on the plane w'out a working toilet! I think that's crazy they are allowed to fly a commercial plane - 2 HOURS - and without a working lavatory!! And no compensation after their BS? Wow! I'm so sorry this happened to you and your wife. I really give you alot of credit for going through all of this. If you haven't already, I would contact Horizon's head-quarters & inform them this situation. I read how you mentioned there's no government requirement about the bathroom situation on a plane, but still. Just shocked st Horizon's (I've never heard of them until today) lack of customer service. All in all - isn't it a great feeling to be back where there's working toilets? The little things we all take for granted, but appreciate ever so dearly ~ when we do have them!?!?

What if someone experienced an unanticipated, strong, irresistable peristalic wave just after liftoff or a sudden, powerful urge to urinate. If such an issue were to arise with a passenger on your flight were they expected to relieve themselves in their seat, in the aisle or in the flight attendant seating area? I assume the cockpit would be off limits for such activities even though the the name of the area seems appropriate.

Renee, thanks for the suggestion to contact Horizon. Maybe I can get some sort of gift, like frequent flyer miles, out of them.

Clark, good questions. I suppose someone could beg to use the lavatory, even if was unflushable. It'd just fill up with whatever, which would be better than a passenger leaving his or her whatever on the seat or floor.

This experience makes me wish there was a decent passenger Bill of Rights. More and more, it seems like airlines (and TSA) feel like they can do whatever they want to us paying customers.

If someone complains on the plane, they're at risk of being detained as a terrorist. At some point airline passengers are going to have to stand up and say, "We're mad as hell, and we won't take it anymore."

I once traveled through Ecuador and Columbia by bus. Often the drivers were unwilling to stop for passengers needing to perform bodily functions (aka to shit or piss) even though there were no lavatories.

It was not uncommon, and I'm not making this up, to see streams of urine coursing by your feet at some point during a long trip. Also, a turd or two would occasionally be olfactorily perceived or seen as one walked down the aisle to exit the bus. This, combined with the odor of a fisherman's catch piled at the back of the bus, made for an excruciatingly fragrant ride even with the windows down.

Children were only willing to writhe with the effort of holding their waste for so long before they were allowed to disperse the material on the floor. Even some adults had no choice but to participate.

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