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March 23, 2011


If you've got the wipers going & come to a stop light, they will automatically slow down until you start motoring again. Magic! I've had my Mini for 2 years. Such joy!

These things are proliferating, spawning and breeding where I work. I think some people have more than one. What I don't get is how does someone get that excited about a vehicle that's not a bicycle? Yet you are, so I'm glad for you that you were able to fulfill a long time dream.

Laurie, you don't have to pedal a Mini. It has lots of cool electronic features. And it goes really fast around turns (well, I guess a bike does that also).

People get excited about different stuff. I think it comes down to a fit, a resonance, between what someone considers to be their inner "essence," and a manmade object which is attuned to that psychic vibration.

I look at the Mini, and I think "that's me!" You probably feel much the same when you look at your beloved bicycle(s). A bicycle reflects who you are -- your values, joys, sources of meaning. The Mini does the same with me.

I bought a used 2007 Mini Cooper S convertable last year and I am loving it! I recently noticed that my rear tires (run flats)are wearing on the inside. Is this common or do I need an alignment (or other wheel work)?

I have a 2011 Mini Cooper s. I want it to sound like a super car. I don't have to biggest budget. What's the best I can do

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