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March 25, 2011


She got her millions and millions...she doesn't even need any of the writers who work for free any more...I hope the strike makes an impact, but I'm not holding my breath.

Well on the other side, she only got part of the money from the sale as there were other investors. No writer has to write for Huffington if they want money. They did hire researchers and journalists last year, I think. One of them talks on MSNBC every so often. A lot write for Daily Kos also and are just glad to get their words out there as are most bloggers. People can strike where they want but I don't want to see one less leftie website out there. I don't read a lot on the site and my daughter got tired of the salacious stuff last year. But a lot feel that is what it takes to get people to also read the serious.

As a former editorial cartoon submitter to HuffPo, I appreciate your suppot. You would be most welcome at this FB page
should you like to puruse our case.
Thank you very much.

Mike Spicer, Cartoonisist.

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