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February 09, 2011


The difference is: Right now you have received crappy service, and have the ability to take your business to another insurance company.

When you are on the Socialist State run system, you will get crappy service and there will be nobody you can go to. Why do you think people come to the United States to have medical work done? It's because their own Socialist system is so bogged down or flat out denying to do procedures. Which is another thing.

With Obamacare, you won't be on the phone complaining about payment not being made to your provider.... You will be complaining about why you are told they won't allow you the procedure to be done, or why they won't do it for 6 months from now.

Now I'm not saying that an insurance company is the picture of efficiency and a good model to adhere to, but you can't convince me that a Socialist government, that has failed at Medicare, Social Security, monitoring lending, monitoring securities, monitoring insurance, USDA, FDA,EPA and many others, is going to be able to handle this.

Dan, you're wrong in several ways.

One, we can't take our business to another insurance company, because another company wouldn't cover us for pre-existing conditions.

So we have no choice, which is why Obama's Affordable Care Act is so great -- it puts a lot more free market competition into the health care system by setting up exchanges where people can choose between insurance plans. not having to worry about pre-existing condition limitations.

Two, the Affordable Care Act isn't government run health care. The "public option" wasn't made part of the law, unfortunately. So any wait times, denial of procedures, etc. will be done by private companies, just as is happening with us now. But when the Affordable Care Act is fully implemented, Americans will have more choices between insurance companies, so they can switch if they don't like how they're being treated.

Third, Medicare and Social Security are highly popular government programs. Tea Party types are famous for saying "Keep your hands off of my Medicare, I don't want the government running it," because they are so ignorant, they don't know Medicare IS a government program.

If you don't want Medicare or Social Security, you don't have to accept the benefits from these programs. Along this line, very few newly elected Republicans are giving up their government funded health insurance. Apparently it's good enough for them, but not good enough for the rest of the country --hypocrisy run wild.

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