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February 03, 2011


It looks like this survey is based on total doller amounts of taxes, not percentage of total income. Are the conclusions still true when taking into account Oregonian`s lower aerage incomes, compared to the nation?

Brian, if you click on the "state report" link in my post, you can read the actual report. On page A2 and A3 the authors calculated figures based on percentage of total income instead of raw dollars. See:

The rankings turned out about the same. Oregon ranks #32 among the 50 states in state and local taxes paid as a percentage of personal income, while we are #33 in state and local taxes paid viewed in raw dollar figures.

So either way, Oregon still in the lower third of states. We are indeed a low tax state.

Here's what the study says:
Oregon’s rankings change slightly in different directions depending on the category. For the major summary categories, Oregon ranks slightly higher when the percentage of personal income measure is used. This is not surprising given that Oregon’s per capita personal income is below the national average. However, the state’s tax ranking falls slightly, from number 42 to number 44, compared to the per capita measure. This is due to the combination of states with a similar tax burden. For the other categories, the expected pattern holds. For example, miscellaneous revenue at 2.7% of personal income, ranks number 6 among the states compared to number 9 on a per capita basis.

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