Oh, way cool! This is so Egypt'y. Thousands of protesters camping out at the seat of power to thwart an evil leader's nefarious rule.
And now... Democrats in the Wisconsin State Senate have reportedly left the state to prevent a quorum, and hence a vote, on the Republican Governor's horrendous union-busting legislation.
Meaning, the state police can't come after them. If any of the senators need a hideout, give me a call. (Oops, guess I should have kept this a secret.)
I agree. I think, we should be out in front of the Chamber of Commerce protesting an economic philosophy that encourages shifting resources offshore in order to push down worker wages here.
We are living in a world of self-fulfilling prophesies. They argue that only the rich pay taxes - but that occurs because all of the wealth has been concentrated at the top while tax rates have been suppressed. If business encouraged the payment of living wages, while it would suppress wages at the top, we would have more wage earners and tax payers to help pay for the government we need.
Posted by: Veeper | February 17, 2011 at 12:41 PM
Not only that, but Oregon's 1 and only Republican rep Greg Walden has just introduced an amendment to block Internet neutrality, that is big carriers cannot slow down traffic.
"Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., the sponsor of the spending bill amendment and chairman of the House Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, said his measure is "about keeping the government out of the business of running the Internet."
Posted by: Nw | February 18, 2011 at 03:07 PM
Me too, Brian...I can hide them in my Barn !
Posted by: Wayne White | February 20, 2011 at 05:09 PM