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January 12, 2011


Well said comrade.

Brian, as this YouTube video from Wisconsin clearly shows, your confidence in your progressive comrades to be anything close to civil was highly misplaced.


"Scott Walker = Adolf Hitler", is that civil?
Is "Midwest Mussolini" or "Hosni Walker" civil?
How about comparing Walker to a rapist and a terrorist?
How about putting Walker in the crosshairs on a DONT RETREAT RELOAD sign?
Or maybe you prefer DEATH TO TYRANTS?

What I don't get, Brian - given your passion for civility - is how you can blog about both progressive civility and the events in Wisconsin without linking the two topics. You're like a hawk watching for a Tea Party slip-up but you're AWOL and looking the other way when your own kind embarass you so publicly.

1/12/2011 was apparently a long, long time ago for President Obama. Here he is today:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama says the debt ceiling should not "be used as a gun against the heads" of Americans to retain breaks for corporate jet owners or oil and gas companies.


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