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January 20, 2011


What about the environment and global warming? Wouldn't it be better not to buy a Mini at all?

Mills, I'll agree that it would be better for the environment if we all got by with less...of everything, cars included. However, I'm good at rationalizing. And we are a two-hybrid family (Prius and Highlander), so our current car choices are pretty darn ecological.

If I got a Mini, we'd keep both cars, using the HIghlander Hybrid SUV for longer trips when we need to cart around more stuff, along with our dog. The Mini gets considerably better gas mileage than the Highlander, even with it being a hybrid SUV.

So for the usual daily trips around town and close-by, I'd be saving gas with a Mini. Of course, the entire carbon footprint of the deal, including manufacturing and shipping, would almost certainly tilt the global warming scale against a third car.

It's a dilemma. Life is short. We need to make it pleasurably happy while we're here, along with doing what we can to preserve the earth's livability for future generations. It's a balancing act.

You are good at rationalizing.

From what I understand, the warming process is well underway and the only hope is for civilization to come full stop right now. No more Minis, sorry. But it ain't gonna happen as Willie R pointed out with you as evidence of what he said, no offense. We are all caught in this civilization's momentum. Even if we stopped, it is probably too late as there probably are other forces in the process not fully understood. May as well buy the Mini. Hell, buy a Hummer.

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