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December 17, 2010


You will be no worse for wear if you disengage from politics "in toto".

I tend to agree with Willie R., but the subject is sometimes interesting and sucks me in.

While this comment is not particularly on topic, I think it is relevant indirectly.

On this blog, I have observed that democrats and liberals (progressives) are often seen as being more compassionate and concerned with the plight of the downtrodden, while republicans and conservatives generally are, well, viewed as assholes.

Arthur Brooks researched who is actually more compassionate and charitable. It turns out to be republicans and conservatives by far. Here's his book:


Everyone thinks that Fox News is an actual news service. It's really a comedy network! I mean, think about it, aren't some of the most popular TV comedies like say, the Simpsons and Family Guy on Fox? Rupert Murdoch is a man who simply likes to make people laugh!

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