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November 04, 2010


That is disgusting but not surprising on Lars Larson. Ick! We also were relieved to see Kitzhaber won and likewise our Representatives. Oregon bucked the trend which is no less than I expect... well hope for anyway.

The rest of the country didn't end up as bad as I had gone to be expecting. I had gone to bed mad at the economic situation that lets the wealthiest buy these elections and woke up to the news that they hadn't bought as much as they had hoped. It made me feel somewhat hopeful for the country... somewhat.

I recommend watching the old classic, Inherit the Wind starring Spencer Tracy and Frederic March. It's available on Netflix and it should be required viewing for all those who don't value the ability to think or use logic. Definitely made us feel a little better that some have always defended the right to think. It was a reminder that the country has been battling this tea party element since the beginning probably. Certainly was the factor in the Scopes Monkey trial that Inherit the Wind is based upon.

The management at KXL will do nothing w/lars because he brings in money and what’s more audacious is that he makes the attempt to influence politics in Oregon while he live in Washington state, two face lier

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