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October 08, 2010


We checked into Wind Power last year and the site chosen by the man who came out to inspect the property was right on the front edge of our place next to Liberty Rd.
Not a pretty sight for us and passersby to see !
We may check into Solar next.

We lived in the same type of situation in Washington. However, we moved 10 months ago to Northern Peru. There have been 3 cloudy days here during that time. On the other hand, finding a local solar company is....!

i have been working on a very cheap version of solar water preheating it has provided more than 65% of my hot water demand, i hope to have my investors help me get the solar glass i need to really get those panels real hot. http://www.useeg.com/ and to c the panels i built http://www.useeg.com/efficiency.html

Well, at least the trees keep you cool during Summer, so you don't need AC. I guess it's a trade off. We also are surrounded by trees, and it helps in that regard.

"The share of renewable energy in overall electricity generation increase from 13-13.6% between 2001 and 2008 in the EU and from 7.7 to 9.1% between 2001 and 2008 in the US." Now here's a recognizable difference in increase of renewable energy in US and EU. Doing great America!


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