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October 05, 2010


I too was very impressed with the apple tv, and I had the older one to compare the new one with.

This one is much better and so fundamentally simple.

BTW, just wait until this thing starts supports apps..... You will have develop your own tv station.... and that will be easy, as it is already doable on youtube channels....

Did you notice that youtube actually looks better on the tv than on the computer?

In any case, with google tv coming out, i think apple will ramp it for the apps.

I just came across this. Didn't even read it. I'm not into this stuff, but since the host is...


I'm interested in your experience with streaming photos from your computer to the T.V.

Pam, I haven't tried that yet. Isn't a new Apple software release supposed to make this easier? I thought photos had to be in iTunes currently in order to see them on Apple TV, but maybe I'm mistaken. I'd like to be able to stream directly from iPhoto -- which perhaps is possible now.

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