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October 29, 2010


Finally upgraded to a 4 last week. What new features have you discovered? I like being able to turn it into a powerful flashlight using the LED.

Randy, since my previous phone was a 3G, there's a lot new with the iPhone 4 for me.

Being able to shoot video and higher resolution photos is a big plus. I've stopped carrying around my Flip Video camera (wanted to be ready for an alien landing, or other super newsworthy event I could sell to the networks).

The improved GPS capability probably is my favorite new feature. As blogged about before, I've dumped our standalone Garmin and use the iPhone (with the Navigon app) for finding our way in the car now. Likewise, I've found some cool hiking apps with downloadable maps which basically replace a standalone hiking GPS receiver -- just need to carry along a big extra battery, since you can't plug fresh batteries into an iPhone.

Multi-tasking is cool. Much better than the one at a time app use with the 3G.

I'm sure there are many features and capabilities of the iPhone 4 I haven't discovered yet. I'll be interested to know what you like most about it.

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