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September 09, 2010


We had something on at 11p. Breaking news pushed the story out of the early evening newscast. Sorry to inconvienece you. Dino

I don't know how you can call Salem a "Backwater" ...we have 3 Wal-Marts !

Statesman story in June did not say a store was coming. It said a sign was going up. Which it was.

Looking forward to it opening!
I live in Newberg but work in Salem.
This store is going to be so much
more convenient for me than having
to go up to Tualatin or Beaverton.

Any more news as to when it's opening?

Donna, I'd guess a couple of months, based on how the remodeling looks at the moment. I seem to remember that June or thereabouts was a possible opening date, but don't know for sure.

I represent a sushi restaurant looking to open up a new location on Commercial Street in Salem, preferably close to Trader Joe's. If anyone has information on any retail spaces that would be a good fit, please call me. Russell Huntamer, Broker, Compass Commercial RE Services, 541.383.2444

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