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August 05, 2010


The biggest problem with selling books that were self-published used to be distribution. I helped a group of ladies get their cookbook out there and it was a hassle even though I only took them to local bookstores like OSU; but now with the internet, there are many ways for people to learn about a book. Amazon also has handled some self-published books; so it really is more feasible to get the word out without a lot of expense.

All creative people--writers, artists, singers, musicians, athletes--who perform or exhibit their work publicly, have vanity.

Approval is a very powerful motivator and validator.

The only ones with no vanity are those who stay locked up and never seek the smiles and risk the criticism of the public.

Michael N. Marcus
(author of 12 books, 10 self-pubbed)


Fell upon this site and your others when looking for reviews of 'The Ego Tunnel'; love all you are doing which seems to be just you doing things that come naturally. I own (if we can own anything--'property is theft' wrote Proudhon) Plain Label Books and publish and promote e-books for emerging writers and take no cut whatsoever; anything called 'plain' should be free also. You are right on about POD and many other things. Wish someone would write a book titled 'When the Eskimo Gets Here' after a Dylan line. I would read that book immediately regardless of content. Since you are now interested in books on death, I have a fascinating novel pre-pub if you want to read some. Daniel

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