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July 04, 2010


This is the common sense approach to major issues that I wish we could use in many places. Some argue it's a slippery slope but I don't think so. I think it's using logic.

I'm not entirely sure what's to be made of the 2nd Amendment. My inference is that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" is predicated on the necessity of "a well-regulated militia" "to the security of a free state." Do I have a right, much less any business, to possess a mortar that I haven't been trained to use in the context of a well-regulated militia? An assault rifle? A handgun?
Criminalizing behavior that is without criminal intent - a slippery slope I think we stepped onto with helmet and seatbelt laws - is a terrible idea. Requiring training in the use of weapons one intends to possess and use, as we require licensing of drivers, seems more reasonable.

Dammit, Brian. Just when I think we can't be further apart on some issues, you go and post something that shows that we do have common ground. How on earth am I going to keep you pigeon-holed as a wacky tree-hugging liberal if you do stuff like this??

Stupid common ground... ;)

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