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June 28, 2010


Interesting post. You sound just like my husband. And I react like your wife, thinking, suck it up. I resent that when I'm sick, I mostly carry on with my duties. Whereas when he is sick, it's an extra burden on me. NOt only do I have to take over duties he's too sick for, but I'm supposed to feel sorry for him and care for him. His sickness, even if only a cold, puts a burden on me. I also see the same pattern of him coming out and whining about how horrible he feels. But then when he's able to watch a show or play video games, there are no more sounds. ONly lots of groans and sniffles when I am around. If the man stepped up when the woman was sick, pampered her, and took over all her responsibilities, then there might be more of a reason for sympathy. But if they don't, it's too much to ask for a woman to both take over his work when he's so very sick with something very minor, and pamper him too.

A fever of 102 in an adult is not life threatening. Quit being a baby!

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