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June 05, 2010


Surely I can't be the only one snickering about the hypocrisy of your post, as you bemoan "sprawl" from the comfort of your 3200 square foot home on 5.1 acres.

M, we live in an area that was developed prior to Oregon's pioneering land use laws going into effect. So there wasn't a question of trying to go around those laws, as Bend is trying to do. Our house and lot are totally legal, whereas Bend's urban growth boundary expansion isn't, or it would have been approved by DLCD.

Brian, with all due respect, that's a cop-out. All of the reasons people rail against sprawl (Increased vehicle miles travelled, lack of public transportation, increased infrastructure costs, loss of farm/forest land, etc etc) have nothing to do with whether your lot & house were put in before Senate Bill 100 passed. To hide behind that just makes you look silly.

Those of us that live in Bend have suffered with the Bend Bulletin's Editorial Board for years and what's even sadder as time goes by they get progressively worse. As the saying goes they're "just to the right of Attila the Hun". What is sad is like they used to ask about the about the Wall Street Journal is: "Does the Editorial Board actually read their own newspaper?".

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