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May 22, 2010


Thanks so very much for your comments. After reading your notes, I will buy Tapis Rouge tickets for my husband's birthday!!

Thanks so much for this post! I just received Tapis Rouge tickets for Kooza for my 30th birthday, and will be attending on the 28th of this month. I can't wait! It's good to know details such as the vegetarian food options as I am a vegetarian myself. :) Take care!!!!

Because of your article, I have decided to purchase Tapis Rouge tickets. I too am a veg, so I GREATLY, appreciate the insight!

Great review. To answer some of your questions. Yes, the people pulled up on stage are indeed randomly chosen. In Kooza there is a part where one audience members seat raises. We do give that patron a warning for his/her own safety, but they are not a plant. And no, the tight rope falls are not "choreographed falls". We do sometimes make the same mistake if the skill we are performing is relatively new. Mistakes do sometimes happen.

Sorry to resurrect an old post, but I wanted to reply to Yvonne's comment where she says "the tight rope falls are not 'choreographed falls.'"

Yvonne, I don't know what department of Cirque you work at, but how do you know this? Isn't it a coincidence that that fall happens every time at that same exact moment?

Also, Heather Reilly, Company Manager at Luzia, who's been with Cirque du Soleil for many years, did reveal that in some of Cirque's shows, the falls/fails are done on purpose. She talks about this in this "Talks at Google" event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgC4XZAorZI&t=1075s

I'm 100% positive the near fall in the tight-rope act is staged as it happens in every showing.

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