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May 10, 2010


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing

[Dave, a co-owner of our Camp Sherman cabin, emailed me this message. He said it was fine to share it as a blog post comment.]


Wow, what a great article and from a Prius driving greenie no less :>). My thoughts are that the “grooves” left in the forest, while not good, are probably the best you could do given the degree of thinning. It appeared to me that they purposely travelled over one path to only impact a limited area (although certainly more heavily impacted).

I am not sure what the best practice would be. Also I would guess that these machines are “state of the art” as far as leaving “minimal” tracks. They were all using large diameter, wide and soft type tires. I have been on Willamette logging sites in the past. Willamette had a great reputation for caring for their land (that from a Friends of the Metolius guide). The machines being used in Camp Sherman leave far less trace than I saw in Willamette logging operations.

So, although they leave a rutted path which is more than we would like, I wonder if this could be done better with any other equipment. I would guess not. Overall, I think this is a welcome trade off for thinning and reduced fire danger.


PS: The idea of letting a Prius driving Greenie loose in one of those machines is frightening!

One thing we learned at a hearing with Congress leaders for Natural Resources Committee is that our forests in CA are so thick with trees that transpiration is not good. The trees are removing so much water from our rivers and creating disease in the forest because of the lack of thinning. I wished I had my notes before me. The rate of trees per acre have become so overgrown that we are losing water and trees at an alarming rate. I'm a conservationist not an environmentalist. Any activity or agenda that is unbalanced, in the end hurts our forests, rivers, and the people. Glad to see the work in the Camp Sherman area.

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