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May 30, 2010


I like your heavynarium idea, but actually BP's first idea was similar. They built this big heavy 4 story cement housing thing that was supposed to cover the well and contain the oil so it would rise through a pipe that they would insert through the top and collect the oil in ships. Well, it didn't work because ice crystals formed in the thing. OK, fine. Build another thing this time with heating coils in it so that ice crystals don't form.

I'll settle for $5 million and a lifetime supply of gasoline.

Ther are no big Navy big subs that will run to 5000 ft other than robotic. If not so anti military you might know that.

Hey everyone listen to me the big concreat barge can be filled with hot asphalt inside ,that would prevent the ice crystals and the asphalt would harden with the cold water and the bottom would open to release the 20 tons of hot asphalt over the pipe.and keeping the barge over it with a release valve to open and close.10 million dollars to help my sick grandchild live a normal life.For me Gods grace for saving the environment that he created.And we messed up!

Even though the pressure is so intense enough of the asphalt hardening over it will covers it.And oil floats,so it wont go out the sides.If not Blow up the ocean floor with one of our atomic weapons,it is acurate and will generate enough residue of rocks and sand debris to cover it.Good Luck!God help us.

On a more serious, dare I say heavy note, I was surfing Fox News to see what tripe was spewing from the Dark Side on the spill.
Sean Hannity's panel was exploring some innovative ideas for stopping the flow. An engineer with experience dealing with oil spills in the Middle East claimed hay works well in all currents and depths. Naturally he couldn't get an audience with BP though. Any theories why BP hasn't investigated hay...? Fear of headlines? difficult to transport in mass? cheaper, faster chemical alteratives? Too busy trying to get a patent on heavynarium?

I can make a plug for that leaking well that can be put in with a robot. Need to know casing inside diameter,casing thickness,and gas and oil pressure at the well head.Then can start making this plug.

Planetresource.net has a Eco friendly solution to clean up the tragedy British Petroleum has created, please watch the video animation:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60bdQQQ3iVw and pass this along to as many people as you know.

One person can still make a difference in this world, is that simple interactions have a rippling effect. Each time this gets pass along, the hope in cleaning our planet is passed on.

I too thought of the cork idea. There must be a few of us out there that are awesome...
The problem with BP's cement funnel is that they have full intention of keeping the hole open. If they completely block the hole, they can't get the oil. And then they will loose even more money. If they have to re-drill the hole, they need to start the entire project from scratch. Let's face it. They care more about their investors and kickbacks than they do about the environment.
These engineers are a full force of inflated ego r-tards... I mean seriously. The "Top Kill Method"??? Let's try and stop this mud like liquid from seeping out of this hole, by pumping the hole with mud? Oh crap...

The idea I submitted was called "The giant block of cement" method. Yes, the technical drawing I submitted along with the suggestion (or solution as I like to call it) was very simple. But so is the plan. I had the CGI image they used to explain the "Top Kill". I added a big grey box with the words "Giant Cement Block"

Here is the response I got from Horizon Support.

"Thank you for your submission to the Alternative Response Technology (ART) process for the Deepwater Horizon MC252 incident. Your submission has been reviewed for its technical merits.

It has been determined that your idea falls into one of the following ART categories: Already Considered/Planned, Not Feasible, or Not Possible, and therefore will not be advanced for further evaluation. To date, we have received over 80,000 submissions with each submission receiving individual consideration and priority based on merit and need.

BP and Horizon Deepwater Unified Command appreciate your contribution and interest in responding to this incident.

Michael J. Cortez
Technical Manager
Alternative Response Technology Team
Deepwater Horizon Call Center – Houston, TX"

In addition. As a reward (If my "Giant Cement Block" idea were used) I would like the 2-stroke engine banned... I would also like a clean planet.

Dear Michael J. Cortez,

in 2010, I sent you my solution concerning Mexico. You told me a few weeks later (via email) that you got about 8000 ideas and that you are going to recheck them in order to choose one. What were your final decisions/conclusions concerning this whole thing? Please shoot me a quick message about the progress you made.

Kind regards and thanks.
Karl Mantinger

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