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May 14, 2010


Dear Editor

Recent research by Henrik Svensmark and his group at the Danish National
Space Center points to the real cause of the recent warming trend. In a
series of experiments on the formation of clouds, these scientists have
shown that fluctuations in the Sun's output cause the observed changes in the
Earth's temperature.

In the past, scientists believed the fluctuations in the Sun's output were
too small to cause the observed amount of temperature change, hence the need
to look for other causes like carbon dioxide. However, these new
experiments show that fluctuations in the Sun's output are in fact large
enough, so there is no longer a need to resort to carbon dioxide as the
cause of the recent warming trend.

The discovery of the real cause of the recent increase in the Earth's
temperature is indeed a convenient truth. It means humans are not to blame
for the increase. It also means there is absolutely nothing we can, much
less do, to correct the situation.

Thomas Laprade


Thomas, don't believe everything you read on the Internet. You're wrong: humans have been proven to be the driving force behind global warming, with our massive carbon dioxide emissions. The blog post you link to is from "The St. Louis Tea Party." I'll stick with the findings of the world's leading climate scientists.

Brian: "Spring has finally sprung here in Oregon. It's warm and sunny."

Huh? Warm and sunny? In May 2010 Oregon??

Steve Pierce from the Oregon chapter of the American Meteorological Society: “May of 2010 has been no warmer than 76 degrees at the Portland International Airport. At the present time, May of 2010 is tied for the third coldest ‘May maximum temperature for the month’ on record.”

DJ, yes, aside from some early warmth, spring 2010 has been unusually cool here in the Pacific Northwest. In the world as a whole, though, last month was the warmest April on record. In much of the United States it also was atypically warm. See:

As I've noted before, when it's unusually cool in one area of the United States it almost always is unusually warm somewhere else. Our turn for warmth will come. Hopefully by next weekend.

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