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April 20, 2010


I'm strangely proud of working towards my gold card. And by working, I mean drinking. When that day arrives, I'd love to take a follow up picture, our cult memberships side by side.

I love this blog post. I carried around the 8 weeks of bold little booklet and it's time to turn it in for a pound of coffee. Did you decide what you would get? Sidamo is going to be a discontinued coffee so that might be something to look at. Though, I will probably get Sumatra. It's always a favorite.

Melody, I went with Gold Coast Blend. It was the boldest of the bold, in my opinion. But I like strong coffee. Sumatra is good also. No bad choices when the coffee is free.

Great post! It's so true. I'm just waiting for my gold card to arrive in the mail. Hopefully I don't blind myself by staring at it for so long.

It IS strange how eager I am to make 30 purchases at Starbucks, just to get my custom gold card... I guess the marketing folks really got this one right. ;)

I smiled all throughout this post! I carried that bold booklet, too and could not wait to get my coffee. I got the African. It was amazing! ALso, I just got my Gold Card announcement via email. I can not wait to get the welcome packet! Cheers!

I am 3 stars away from mine! :)

This post makes me so excited to get my custom card in the mail, how long did it take for them to mail you yours? it seems like mine is taking forever

Taking a deep breath....I reached the goal today. I had a fan base monitoring my progress on Facebook. It is a great day. Now what? Do you think they will create a platinum level card?

Billzer, we can only hope. "Gold" is starting to seem so plebeian. We deserve more.

However, I've started using my iPhone to pay for stuff at Starbucks, via the barcode reader on the Starbucks app. So now I don't even pull my Gold Card out anymore.

Still get credit toward my free drink, of course. But no one sees my illustrious Gold Card'ness. Seems to me like the card reader should play some tune ("Hail to the Chief"?) when a Gold Card owner makes a purchase, so everyone in the store can turn and recognize us. (Bowing would be nice.)

I love Starbucks but I run an open mike poetry night at an indie coffeehouse. So I have to hide my Starbucks addiction. Honestly, sometimes I think Starbucks tastes better than the indie coffeehouse I frequent but you'll never catch me saying that aloud!

Oh LOrd thank you for such a humorous blog post.....that made me smile. I'm one star away baby......

Under the realm of small world I stumbled upon this blog on the day I achieved? my gold card here in Toronto. Slightly
disappointed in the lack of trumpets I
soldiered on with my day. Cleverly droll
and worth the read.Thanks Brian for the smile.

Okay, so the gold card has been in my possession some 2008. I am fearing the day when the card no longer works from over use. Or if it gets damaged, what will I do? No "regular" gift card will do. Does anyone know it it can be replaced - complete with name and start date? Tell me I don't have important things to worry about...

It is a hilarious presentation of the starbucks gold cult. I am looking forward to my gold card and then even I will take pride in flashing and dazzling my gold card ;)

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