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April 28, 2010


Followed the same instructions, rec'd the same email and now 5 weeks later....nothing. My "current location" is still appearing 2100 miles away from where I used to reside. Any other options?


Jay, I'm finding that most of the time, when I'm in our house and the iPhone has a wi-fi connection, after I click on Maps I get the location of our nearest cell phone towers. I then click on the blue "my location" button. Sometimes twice. Eventually the iPhone homes in on our correct location.

Before I did the Skyhook thing, that wouldn't happen. So my theory is that the iPhone initially is following the cellular connection, but then realizes what our wi-fi location is. Have you tried repeatedly pressing the "my location" icon (don't know what it is called) in Maps?

Thanks for this article, I wanted to find out more about WiFi location services. It seems that recently, both Apple and Google-Android are discontinuing their use of Skyhook.



I would like to know what we can do to fix wrongly-located cell towers and wifi APs.

Excellent post: works like a charm. Thanks

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