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April 04, 2010


While I understand that for you it may not be ideal (and that it will undoubtedly get better in newer versions), I have to say that for me it is literally a mind blowing device and it is very hard for me to even look at my iPhone 3Gs the same way.... While I love the iPhone and it will always be with me, there is something truly magical about consuming media off the iPad.....

I won't do the heavy lifting with it (given my attachment to a keyboard), but for most things it will do fine.....

But as an E-reader it is pure wonder..... PDF files have never looked so crisp, and you can see where the future of the E-book is going to be like..... the book ELEMENTS (which I have a hardbound copy as well) literally comes alive on the iPad.

Amazon is smart, though, as they have a good app on the iPad already.

The Kindle simply looks DULL compared to the iPad.

Yes, Apple is clearly going to up their game in the next installment, but even now it really is magical.

David, I'm glad to hear that you like the iPad as an ebook reader. This would be my main reason for getting one, if I ever do.

I need to learn more about how books are highlighted on the iPad, and how notes can be made on what is being read. The Kindle iPad application is interesting, but doesn't support viewing two pages at a time. Probably this will change in the next version.

I gather you find the iPad display fine for reading. People seem to have different opinions on this.

if you get a chance at an apple store, be sure to check out the book ELEMENTS on an iPad.....

PDF files never looked so good on mine.

keep up the good work.... enjoying your blogs.

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