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April 26, 2010


For heaven's sake. This is not ethnic cleansing. It's a state with a real problem that is trying to deal with it possibly in a bad way. It likely will be declared unconstitutional before it goes into place because Americans like their workers to stay illegal and cheap.

If the federal government refuses to address its Constitutional responsibility (which it has), it's not surprising that states on the border facing the problems will try in possibly bad ways. Obama said as much.

And when people boycott the state, they don't hurt the ones who passed the law. They hurt innocent business people trying to make a living but heck the illogic of ignoring this problem for years goes right along with punishing someone else for what happened even if they had nothing to do with it. Welcome to America-- right and left equally nutty.

Arizona can pass race base laws, pass Birthers laws and the state can continue to boycott Martin Luther King Day, well the rest of the Country can boycott the state of Arizona and spank them where it hurts them the most their pocket book. Their phony patriotism is sickening, they are just racists going by another name. We all know you are just itching to put a sheet on their head? Let’s face it the Republicans had eight years to deal with health care, immigration, climate change and financial oversight and governance and they failed. It appears that the Republican Party is only good at starting wars (two in eight years, with fat contracts to friends of Cheney/Bush) but not at winning wars as seen by the continuing line of body bags that keep coming home. The Republicans party will continue turned inward to their old fashion obstructionist party (and their Confederacy appreciation roots) because they continue to allow a small portions (but very loud portion) of their party of “birthers, baggers and blowhards” to rule their party. I will admit that this fringe is very good at playing “Follow the Leader” by listening to their dullard leaders, Beck, Hedgecock, Hannity, O’Reilly, Rush, Savage, Sarah Bailin, Orly Taitz, Victoria Jackson, Michele Bachmann and the rest of the Blowhards and acting as ill programmed robots (they have already acted against doctors that perform abortions). The Birthers and the Tea party crowd think they can scare, intimidate and force others to go along with them by comments like “This time we came unarmed”, let me tell you something not all ex-military join the fringe militia crazies who don’t pay taxes and run around with face paint in the parks playing commando, the majority are mature and understand that the world is more complicated and grey than the black and white that these simpleton make it out to be and that my friend is the point. The world is complicated and people like Hamilton, Lincoln, and Roosevelt believed that we should use government a little to increase social mobility, now it’s about dancing around the claim of government is the problem. The sainted Reagan passed the biggest tax increase in American history and as a result federal employment increased, but facts are lost when mired in mysticism and superstition. For a party that gave us Abraham Lincoln, it is tragic that the ranks are filled with too many empty suits and the crazy Birthers who have not learned that the way our courts work is that you get a competent lawyer, verifiable facts and present them to a judge, if the facts are real and not half baked internet lies, then, and only then, do you proceed to trial. The Birthers seem to be having a problem with their so called “facts”. Let’s face it no one will take the Birthers seriously until they win a case, but until then, you will continue to appear dumb, crazy or racist, or maybe all three. I heard that Orly Taitz now wants to investigate the “Republican 2009 Summer of Love” list: Assemblyman, Michael D. Duvall (CA), Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), Board of Ed Chair, and Kristin Maguire AKA Bridget Keeney (SC), she wants to re-establish a family values party, that’s like saying that the Catholic Church cares about the welling being of children in their care, too late for that.

Rain, I agree that the "ethnic cleansing" and "apartheid" references were over the top. When I copied in the quote, I thought about deleting the final sentence. But then I figured that since the Arizona blogger included it, I should also -- if only to stimulate discussion.

This whole thing is leading to near hysteria from the left. As though to counteract the hysteria the right has been showing perhaps? The hyperbole from the left wing commentators has been a match for what the right has spewed out. What a time!

In the interest of fighting global warming, thank you for Boycotting Refried Beans.

Wayne, thanks for your thanks. Like I said, my commitment to serving humanity knows no bounds. Except, I'd find it really hard to boycott the coffee-producing countries of the world. Or Apple.

Yes, please, boycott my state, despite that citizens, business owners, and legal immigrants had NO SAY WHAT SO EVER in the passing of SB1070.

As you know, I live in Arizona. The situation has come to a head. You don't hike/camp in the southern section without risk to life and limb (I do it anyway) by desperados and drug runners. I support this law because it will force the feds to do their job of enforcing the border. Crime is up in Tucson and Phoenix and the cost to the state by illegals is unsustainable. The state is broke.

I don't hate latinos. I used to hire them when I had an avocado/citrus distribution business in Fallbrook, Ca. Most of them are good people like muslims, croats, taiwanese and americans. Some have been my friends. I speak spanish even though I am an american anglo originally from wealthy westside L.A. I have spent a lot of time in Mexico and South America.

I know you cringe at the mention of Bill O'Reilly. Well, get brave for a few minutes and listen to this editorial. He gets it:


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