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March 25, 2010


I agree that a man weilding an exacto knife should not be considered a lethal threat to a police officer. The one proviso, however, is that the random and thus unpredictable actions of a drunk are often harder to parry than those of a trained sober fighter.

Don't the police get any martial arts training?

I agree with everything you say. I also would like to add in my 12 years living in Portland my only encounters with any police here have always left me feeling afraid.

You're right in everything you said above but you need to put more emphasis on principles and training. It's not just the fault of Walters, Frashour, Chris Humphry et al. The responsibility runs all the way to the top. That includes the immediate supervisers in these fatalities, the command, the Chief and especially our representative, Commissionar Dan Saltzman. There may be some responsibility here for Scott Westerman for his part in exonerating the officers regardless of circumstances. An X-acto knive may be technically a lethal weapon but I wouldn't bet on it. Especially if I was drunk. And the officer had on a bullet proof vest...and was younger and quicker.

How about we just close the police department and see how long you survive !! GQ public knows nothing about police work and what it takes to deal with all the crazy people ! As usual Portland it a town thats all about "poor me".

Police are trained to stop the threat! If stupid people did not put THEMSELVES in the position to be shot by a law officer, guess what.....they would'nt be shot! You people call cop's to protect you, they don't come find you! So don't bad mouth cop's because they don't want to play go fish with a person to see if they mean you no harm ! The public's lack of education shows evertime a protest is on the street. Those people have no idea why they are there, they just want to justify a reason to create havok !

Why does jesse jackson need to come to Portland? He needs to go home and preach his s#iI somewhere else ! Until colored people learn to respect themselves they will always be the same. I go to my kids school and all the colored kids call each other the N word ! But if anybody else says it, then we get the jesse jasckson visit ! When an officer kills a white or mexican guy nobody shows up ! So an officer kills a black guy, if he was an outstanding citizen, guess what !....he would still be here !! People need to get over it, all races are subject to messing up their lives, so when the cops come to fix your screwed up situation, put the gun down and live to see another day !!!!


mike, excellent idea. That certainly makes sense if someone is mentally ill and isn't posing a serious threat to others. I've never heard of a plumber killing someone who was unarmed and mentally disturbed, but the Portland police have done this numerous times.

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