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March 29, 2010


I will attempt to answer these in no particular order.

Your grandaughter is all of the above! Thank goodness she looks like mom and not grandpa......Kidding!
And, she will probably solve many quantum mysteries in her lifetime.

The first photo of the quiz....Thank you! It did good things for me. I can't think of answers for any more questions. I think I'd better go back to that first picture and meditate on it...... :-)

Eric, thanks for taking the quiz. Since you are the first, and maybe only, person to do so, you win the Grand Prize. Pick out whatever you want from the photos above. (I can guess which it will be; but maybe you should ask your wife if you can bring her home.)

Nice pics Dad! I love that the semi naked girl on the beach gets the headliner shot with cute granddaughter after. We see where your priorities are! Patrick and I will start looking for a 1 bedroom condo for you on the beach in Malibu. We'll just look after it when you are not there. We had a great time and looking forward to comparing Malibu to Salem in June. Hmmmmm..........

Celeste, don't think of the bikini-clad girl as a "headliner," but rather as an opening act before the Star Performer: Granddaughter!!!

You've got to get their attention before you show them the Good Stuff. Hey, you're in sales; you know that.

Thanks for your attention to our housing needs. Since we live in Salem, Oregon and you live in Hollywood, California, we indeed would find it difficult to use a Malibu condo very often, so your totally selfless offer to look after it shows what a caring daughter you are.

When we win the Megabucks lottery, you can start perusing the real estate pages. Until then, we've got a great 1 bedroom living area in our house which you're welcome to use any time -- including June.

If you use your imagination, and leave a window open, the little waterfall in our pond can sound like the waves breaking on a Malibu beach. Sort of. A little bit. Just like Salemites look like the beautiful people we saw at the Malibu Country Mart. Sort of. A little bit.

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