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February 03, 2010


Yes Portland is where the provocateurs are fully equipped to do what terrorists in America do best: repress, oppress, suppress and depress the citizenry.

PERS in Oregon trades automatically the JUDICIAL wars, weapons, munitions and then anyone wonders why FRASHOUR was found guilty of excessive force with a taser, then pepper spray and now he uses his brand spanking new militant rifle to kill a black man.

Provocateur - I am suing the SOB at this time when he shoots to kill, for attempted murder in my own home, in my bathroom off my bedroom.

JUDGES IN PORTLAND are complicit in that, they do not find these provocateurs guilty since their retirements depend upon the cha ching of experimentation on those other than Tiger Woods who also dialed 9-1-1, er, his neighbor did, and it was distress, too.

AMERICAN JUDICIAL thinks it needs to retire by using the American citizenry as its low hanging fruit.

But, NO, digital systems are too big to fail so why all the killing fields forever in the global war on terror - right here in Gaza USA?

Obviously the cannibals are simply hungry for blood.

Brian, the Portland Police Bureau investigated the Chasse case and - in agreement with the Portland Police Union - found that the actions of the officers involved were appropriate. Why is that finding not adequate for you?

DJ, the facts in this case have never come out. Read a recent Oregonian editorial:

OJ Simpson was acquitted by a biased jury. Does that mean he was innocent? The Portland Police Bureau and Union almost always excuse police misconduct.

Fortunately, a civil lawsuit has been filed. That's how some justice was done in the Simpson case. It'll be interesting to see whether the same occurs in the Chasse case, as I suspect it will be.

Brian, your response here is logical and valid. You reasonably conclude that the Portland Police Bureau and Union findings are inadequate because, as you say so clearly and simply, “OJ Simpson was acquitted by a biased jury. Does that mean he was innocent? The Portland Police Bureau and Union almost always excuse police misconduct.”

we have breaking news right now, of an officer involved shooting in washington park here in portland oregon today. The story has just been updated the officer unharmed, and there is one confirmed dead.
This is insane. There have been so many officer involved shootings here in portland which have resulted in many deaths. Where I come from, the officers don't shoot you, and if they need to in order to protect themselves, they shoot you in the leg or the arm. This shoot to kill mentality in the portland police bureau is becoming impossible to brush off thru their "Union findings". There is a real problem here.

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