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January 29, 2010


I also like how he nailed the Supreme Court and Alito taking offense at it. The complaint the right has made is he's not supposed to do that face to face with them. I think it took guts and I respect him more for saying it to their faces during the SOTU. Things might be looking up


Two constitutional law observers on Bill Moyers spoke about the Supreme Court's decision that led to Obama's salvo. The Court has dismantled limits on the political electioneering of wealthy entities. Extending the same rights to non-profit's, labor unions, etc. doesn't balance potential harm to the democratic process. Banks and Wall Street are vastly wealthier. The shadowy agenda ads and personal attacks on political enemies can ramp up without limits now. The burgeoning grass-roots movement will certainly be damaged. This is a scary tilting of democracy toward plutocracy.

Freedom of the press has always been limited to those who can afford one, but the First Amendment is what it is.

For those who want to view the highlights of the Q and A session, Organizing for America has a selection of Obama's "greatest hits" where a click of a mouse button takes you directly to that portion of the video. Pretty cool:

i have see this video i was nice and the reform which he has taken i like that

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