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December 05, 2009


My first bike was a Yamaha Majesty. I loved that scoot!

In cold I use the Polar Hands handle bar mittens. Aside from being a bit unsightly they really do work great. My hands don't get cold anymore and I can wear lighter weight gloves.

My jacket (well..one of many) is a Belstaff. Has a warm liner and is wind/waterproof. Pants are Tourmaster somethingorothers also wind/waterproof. I look HUGE wearing all this gear but behind the face shield you'll see a big goofy grin!

My friends tell me I'm nuts riding around in the cold. I agree and offer my thanks for their astute observation. I just smile and they kind of look at me funny. Why on earth would anyone ride three counties away for a cup of coffee? This guy, they think, is about a french fry short of a Happy Meal.

So I relate totally to the addiction thing. But with this one I sleep really good at night.

My wife and I totally agree, we gave up riding for 25 years ago, thought we got it our of our systems. But after taking it up again we just can't stop. OK we live in Southern California were we rode this weekend in 55 degree weather seemed cold but we're ready to add the liners to our jackets and ride in colder temps. We are so glad we took it up again. Oh and we agree with you on most of the other issues you discuss. Keep up the good writing.

I think that to receive the loans from banks you ought to have a good motivation. However, once I have got a financial loan, just because I wanted to buy a bike.

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