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November 01, 2009


hmm no comments. im surprised. this is quite good. i haven't had an easy life and have found it difficult to be happy doing anything. after many many years i have found myself being looked at as the epitome of content. yeah i didn't want anything and that is not anywhere close to happiness. happiness is doing for the sake of doing. as an overly practical man i have had to adopt a 'damn the consequences' attitude to enjoy anything again, as the first thing that comes to mind when starting out is 'what does this accomplish'? generally, fun can only be had if you don't care to answer that question; only rarely does it have a good answer.

Hi! I read this entry and thought: "I think I've found a fun kindred blogging spirit!"

I like the metaphysical topics you bring up and your appreciation for fun (and for dancing)!

I just posted a blog entry (Nov. 28, 2012) on ballroom dancing. If you like you can check out my blog: http://marcicrane.posterous.com/

Good luck and thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Thank you for writing this. We are aligned on this for sure. Focus and flow! Own it. I hope the last ten years have been fun for you.

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