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November 27, 2009


I'm jealous! I want one, too.

We've had the big iMac for a couple years and dumped our TV. Watch everything we are interested in on streaming video.

You don't need to drag photos. Just click the "email" icon at the bottom of iPhoto after selecting the photo(s) you want to email.

Consider joining the Ashland Mac User's Group (Ashmug) which is loaded with patient, articulate Mac developers and experts. I still belong after moving away.

Randy, thanks for the tips. I'll look into the Ashland Mac User's Group. There sure is a lot that I don't know about using a Mac, even after using one for a year.

When Laurel went to the Bridgeport Village Apple Store to buy one, we spent about 45 minutes with an employee who ran a MacBook through its tricks. Frequently my eyes would widen and I'd say, "Wow, I didn't know my Mac could do that."

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