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October 14, 2009


Here's a great (tongue-in-cheek) video of some charitable Hollywood types working to help poor downtrodden health insurance executives.


I got a response from Regence today. Not very convincing. But, hey, it's a response:
Dear Mr. Hines:

Thank you for writing regarding Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon and
the current health care reform proposals.

Regence is a member of Americas Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) and we do
share some of their concerns regarding national health care reform. We
support health care reform that expands affordable coverage to everyone,
reins in costs and improves quality.

As insurers, we came to the table early and voluntarily proposed
significant changes – such as guaranteeing coverage for everyone regardless
of pre-existing conditions – which are now a widely accepted component of
every reform proposal in Congress. We want to see comprehensive,
sustainable health care reform enacted this year.

However, there are items included in current legislation, such as an ineffective individual mandate,insurer taxes and narrow age bands, that will be counterproductive to the goals of expanding affordable health care to everyone. Health care reform can only be successful if it is structured so that everyone is in thesystem and premiums are affordable.

We encourage you to contact your local or national state legislators and
become involved in the process to improve the current health care system.
Concerned citizens working alongside politicians, business leaders and
members of the medical community will likely have a strong impact on the
changes to come. You may also be interested in the Web site,
www.whatstherealcost.org .

This site is a public awareness campaign designed to educate members, staff, providers, legislators, and community leaders about the drivers of health care costs, the need for quality, and how every person's actions impact the health care system as a whole.

Should you have any questions about your current individual health plan,
please call Customer Service at 1 (800) 365-3155 or you may contact us via
our members Web site, www.myRegence.com


Diana Johnson
Customer Service Correspondence

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