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October 02, 2009


I always enjoy Corvallis. Our son lives there and my husband works there; so it's been our main town for a long time. I missed the fall festival due to too many other things so thanks for giving me a taste of it.

Nearly Normals is a wonderful restaurant, and completely vegetarias! I love it!

Yes, Corvallis is hipper than Salem, but would it kill Trader Joe's to put a store somewhere closer to us? I think having a Trader joes in the Salem/Keizer area (read Keizer Station) would make the area cooler and hipper. And, maybe we'd get musicians like the one pictured above. That would be nice!

Glad you made it down for the festival, sorry we missed you. Although it is easier to naviagate through with two people rather than four.This year I went alone as Paul was OOT. Trader Joe's has their sign up now in a new little section of shops, TJ Maxx, Michael's etc. It will be so nice to have someplace other than the co-op to get those things that you just can't find anymore. Kelly(and Paul) new email

kelly, nice to hear from you. We're seriously envious of your Trader Joes' nearness. There's something cosmically wrong with Portland having a bunch of stores, Eugene having one, and now Corvalllis. Um, what's missing on the I-5 corridor, Trader Joes management? Hint: the city's name starts with an "S" and it's the STATE CAPITAL!!!

Thanks for the nice impromptu review of last year's festival. Hope you can make it down again this year!

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