Everyone wants to be known for something. I'm hoping that my new You Tube video, "Dog stalking chipmunk," will become anti-viral. (see video below, after these explanatory remarks)
Meaning, anyone with an adorable cat can make a You Tube production that will garner millions of views. To be exact, 4,502,374 (until you click on "adorable cat" and add to the count).
But it takes a special dog, and owner, to make a five minute video that, depending on your sensibilities, is either (1) the most boring ever, or (2) a Zen-like exploration of the dynamics of motionlessness.
Immediately after uploading the video, naturally I entered "dog stalking chipmunk" into the You Tube search box to check out the competition.
There's only two. And they are fakes, poseurs! Their dogs are not, repeat not, stalking chipmunks. They are chasing chipmunks!
This -- right here, seemingly for the first time on You Tube, hot off my FlipVideo -- is 100% genuine chipmunk stalking. With narration, to boot.
What else could you ask for? (unacceptable answer: "something interesting")