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August 31, 2009


"This ride shot people straight up a scary long ways, before dropping them down on bouncy cords. I couldn't capture the screaming. Just some legs."

I remember that from a couple years back...during the twilight after sunset while Steve Miller was playing "Fly like an Eagle..."

I love the state fair and interesting to see what you found good there as they are things I walk through so fast I barely am aware of them; so you gave me another perspective. I go for the animals, the flowers, the booths that sell things just in case although I rarely buy anything, and that's about it. I always think I wish I had chickens after being there. I agree with you on the sheep riding. They are not built for that. Totally disgusting.

Hey! Nice recap on your Fair experience. And thanks for supporting us and taking our photo!

Viva! Vegetarian Grill

The state fair has a lot more variety these days, so it was fun to see it from your point of view. Great Pictures!
It is the only time I get to see the big animals up close. Most of the time the animals are calm and well cared for, used to all the hubbub I guess.
Daryl (Tai Chi student)

Hey- I'm the sports and rec coordinator at the Fair. Would you mind if I stole your Tai Chi and mountain bike photos to have in our database?
Nice rundown of Fair, I love that you have a bit of everything!

Lydia, no problem. Steal away.

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