Hey, it's almost August. And the Northwest's record-breaking heat wave is about over.
Time to celebrate by sitting on our finally-cool deck and sharing some viral dance videos that brought smiles to the sweaty brows of my wife and me yesterday.
Like this title of this video says, this has got to be The Best Wedding Entrance Dance Ever. For sure.
Then there's this guy -- who must have watched Beyonce's video of Single Ladies a million times to get his copied moves down so perfectly.
To check his work, here's Beyonce's version. Actually, I think the guy is a better dancer.
I think the dancing entrance to the wedding is great, happy and fun.
But certain stodgy religious types felt it was inappropriate in a church where I guess in their minds only solemn, formal behavior should be allowed.
To them God must be some kind of hard-ass on an eternal drill-sergeant trip.
Posted by: tucsoN | July 31, 2009 at 08:37 AM
My friend showed me the single guy video this spring and I've probably watched it 15 times. LOVE it. Here is the side by side version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHmx55yZhNI
The wedding makes me cry happy tears each time :)
Posted by: Brook | August 01, 2009 at 07:10 PM