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July 06, 2009


I have a Yamaha Vino 125, which is much less powerful than yours, but I still love it, and drive it 12 miles each way to work. Except the starter is futzed on it and I have to kick start it these days, and it takes a few hours after cutting the engine for it to kick start again. (Yes, I need to take it in).

But the whole thing about "the wave" and the fuller sensory experience...definitely. Plus there's the part about getting 70+ miles to the gallon, pulling up to the gas station and saying "I'll take $2.75, please."

torridjoe, that's great -- the gas mileage. I forgot to mention this as another reason a scooter will change someone's life: Greenness, being much more fuel efficient than most cars.

I'm getting about 45 mpg at the moment. The Burgman mileage seems to be improving gradually, as it breaks in (it has a electronic mileage indicator, which is what I'm using to estimate mileage).

Even though I ride a 1100cc bike, I'm still thinking about getting a scooter for the gas mileage. My "big" bike only gets 35 mpg and I only work 3 miles away via a small road, so I don't have to go on any roads over 30 mph.

Thanks for the linkage. Great article!

I totally understand the evangelical leanings that naturally follow from being up on two wheels. Some days I feel like I've discovered sex and everyone else is saying "Nahh, that sounds like too much work, and possibly dangerous".

However, there's a refuge for us evangelists. Have you ever looking into becoming a T.O. instructor? :)

Stephen, I need a lot more experience before I'd feel qualified. Helping out with Team Oregon training classes is an idea, though. This would let me preach to a receptive congregation. Like you said, most people don't understand the Joy of Scootering/Motorcycling.

Great article, sums up why I enjoy riding my scooter so much! My 50cc is really China-scooter looking so I don't get the wave too much...but that's OK!

Great post. I totally agree with you about feeling much calmer in general.

As as a kid started out with mini bike,Bridgestone 90cc,yamaha 175'suzzuki250yz,new 250motocrosser Suzuki,650 kawsaki to my present susuki 1400 intruder. Wanted a Harley but had to go with my retirement budget. Cant seem to get rid of the kid in me keep going for the crank of the wrist. Nice to feel tailgater's lost in my rear view mirror with the flick of my wrist. Still miss the off roading on my yamaha175. Wanted the 70's husky 400 but never was able to get it at that time. Following cow paths along the snake river oh those days!!!

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