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June 18, 2009


The problem they have is they cannot get their minds around a concept that uses one word but the result will be another. So global warming to them has to mean everybody in the tropics or deserts but not that some regions (and not where they have been) could experience a small ice ages. Global warming is about impact on ocean currents, winds, storms, but the word used to start explaining it (global warming) is too confusing to a mind not willing to explore an idea for where would it go? They cannot or don't want to look at things with any complexity which explains a LOT of the choices they make and the stuff they spew out. I also think the people like Taft know their listeners never check anything which means they can say what they want to hear and no chance the reader will be inspired to go see if it's true.

How many ice ages has the world been through Brian? How if the world has had ice ages and some how warmed up, was this from cow farts, cars or what? The world warms & cools and we have very little or no cause of that. I can't wait to here the complaints from people like you about the high cost of energy to heat your home or to drive your so called green car. Praise Bama, higher food, water and energy and save nothing.

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