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May 27, 2009


Salem is horrible. Not as bad as Albany and light years from Woodburn, but it's still a giant hole of wasted potential. After moving to Corvallis, I am so glad to live in a city that is nice to look at, walk through, and is full of livability and atmosphere. None of which Salem has to offer.

O.k. So I got up this morning and packed a lunch and thermos and headed out to the bees pollinating meadowfoam in Harrisburg.
But prior to leaving, I checked my E-mail and my favorite blogs as always with my first cups of coffee.
Then, after my slap in the face as a Salemite, I hit the road.
All day long I stewed over the ignorant insults directed at our fine town and citizens.
I had to respond, but how?
Bottom line; I am going to stop reading this blog.
I found this post and the one about the DISGUSTING Portland mayor very distastful.
I am very sorry, Brian that you don't fit in here in Salem.
Is that Salem's fault or your's?
Salem is about DOERS! And doing does not mean blogging, facebook, twattering; it means being a contributing part of society.
Every year I travel to Madras, OR and parts of California such as Durham, and Willows.
These places are tiny but tight and as I have learned because I have my head OUT OF MY ASS, wonderfull communities.
What if I were to move there and set in my crystal tower and insult them for the fine people that they are?
Only a total knucklehead would see value in that.
Salem is a wonderful town to live in, raise your kids and realize dreams.
Brian, I would not wish this curse on anyone, including you, but have you considered a condo in downtown Sanfransisco?
WOW! Just imagine the improvement from this horrible, horrible, Salem life.
Have a good life, Brian.

Harry, geez...kind of an overreaction, don't you think? I've lived in Salem for thirty-two years. I think I know what this town is all about. It's a nice place to live. And also, it's boring!

Just about everybody I know who lives around here agrees with me. Salem is boring! Note the comment prior to yours. Paul says Corvallis is a much more agreeable place to live.

I like Salem. I've said a lot of complimentary things about Salem on my blog (check out the "Salem" category). This town has a lot of potential. It just needs to change quite a bit before it will approach Silverton, Corvallis, Eugene, Ashland, Bend, or other Oregon cities with more personality, character, and creativity.

Nothing wrong with being boring and stodgy. But there's nothing right with this either. Different people like towns for different reasons. Me, I'd like Salem better if it was more like Silverton. If you disagree, that's fine. I'd also like Salem better if it was more like Portland. Again, you might disagree.

Hope you keep on hanging around this blog. I enjoy your comments and commitment to strong land use policies. But it's your call. I just write 'em as I see 'em. How others react is up to them.

After living 30 of my first 34 years in the L.A and Orange County area of California, Salem is a paradise. Salem is like a small town compared to Ulcer-Gulch!

Pat and I have been here for 35 years and still feel fortunate to have raised our 4 kids here and to be living in this area. We enjoy every part of Oregon that we've visited so far.

The Night life here is not exactly Big-City style but, Going to town on Friday night to watch them unload the Safeway truck is not all that dull.

Salem is a great town and wanting it to change into another city or town that it is not is very shallow minded. Salem is Salem and needs to continue being the great city that it is. We all have the ability to make choices in our lives and if living in a town that you consider to be boring is your decision, but don't bash it because its not your ideal city.

My suggestion for you is to relocate to a city that has that strange, loud and quirky atmosphere that you apparently so strive for, such as Portland, San Francisco or Berkley CA? These
seem like the "exciting and adventurous" cities of your liking.

Salem is a beautiful city that has a calm, conservative and also liberal, warm and welcoming atmosphere surrounded by farming communities that so many people love and cherish.

In the future I would recommend you choose your words wisely and with some sensitivity to the residents of a city or town that people love and live in, otherwise they would move from it if it was not to their proper liking or ideal location for their individual taste.

Phillip, probably a lot of people think about Salem as you do. Which is part of the problem with Salem. Those, like me, who want to make Salem better are greeted with a "love it or leave it" attitude.

Well, I heard that back in the Vietnam War protest days. The saying didn't make sense then; it doesn't make any more sense now.

It is perfectly possible to like living where you are, and also want to make that place better. I can criticize Salem, while also adore Salem. I can't understand why people like you feel that my criticisms of Salem as it is mean that I want to leave Salem, or don't like Salem.

If I didn't care about Salem, I wouldn't be wanting to improve it. Citizens have a perfect right to try to make where they live into a better place. That's the American way: seeing what needs to be improved, and working to make that happen.

I'm glad you like Salem as it is. You're free to do nothing. Others, and they are many, are equally free to work to realize Salem's unfulfilled potential.

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