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May 17, 2009


Maybe we are more prepared for the digital transition than previously reported.
Although we will only recieve OPB, I'm thinking we are in way bettter shape than if we recieved all of this pointless background noise to clutter our otherwise clear minds.
I am VERY GRATEFUL that after the digital switch we will be able to recieve OPB.
As for the brainless, pointless, idiotic background noise; GOOD RIDDANCE!!!
Now where was I?....
Oh yeah; doing somthing meaningful...

Sorry, but seeing coach just makes me think of the stories you tell. I was happy to see him go. I think that's about the only thing we agree on. On another note any update on Laack battle? Praise Obama

Mort, a Marion County hearings officer has issued a recommendation on the Laack vested rights application. Basically her conclusion was, "Who knows?" The report leaves central questions unanswered. It's been received by the county commissioners. No action has been taken on it yet.

I think Coach was pretty much putting us all on in an effort to keep the camera on himself, working toward a future in show biz or a book deal. I thought he was quite entertaining. And thought his girlfriend had the best line of the season in the reunion show. But now on to more important things—The Bachelorette.

It's hard to believe anyone could be as FOS as Coach(except Nancy Pelosi). I am inclined to think some of it was calculated. Richard Hatch and Johnny Fairplay made money for appearances after Survivor and Coach probably figured he could do the same. If it wasn't a put-on, then he has to rank as the most pathological personality ever on Survivor.

Coach is a weak ass lying little bitch.

I gag every time he opens his lying mouth ! For me I don't see an honest bone in his body. What a shame those on those seasons didn't see che is full of shit. Please don't bring him or the bully Boston Rob back, you are better than that Survivor.

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