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April 15, 2009


>>>Today is tax day. I feel happy.<<<

As just a small token of appreciation for you as a neighbor and fellow statesman, I would like to make you happier!
Next year if you recieve my completed tax documents (minus my payment check) in the mail it will be no mistake.
Just look at the balance to pay. Enclose checks for the amounts and send it on to Uncle Sam.
And I will be happy too.
I will be happy GIVING you all of that happiness.
This years final payments could have bought me a new truck.
I'm sure I should be happy knowing all of that money is going to good use, like fighting 100% man made and 100% man curable global warming.
I'm sure tea is a refreshing break from all of the Kool-Aid flowing these days.

Hugs & Kisses

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