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March 18, 2009



You'll note that often those who make so many hard and fast rules about relationships are those who don't have a successful one themselves. I remember being positively attacked by people when I would talk about my plans to marry my husband -- we were both very young and had met even younger. To hear them, we were making the most monumental mistake of our lives.

We're coming up on 20 years together in a few months! 17 of those married. We met when I was just 17, and he 18. It wasn't always easy, but after initial growing pains (which were more about us learning to grow into adults, and not with relating to one another) it's been onward and upward since then, better every year.


Beautiful photo of Laurel. Congratulations to both of you on making it work

I have an aversion to younger chicks grabbing older men-regardless of the 19 years spent with Sue--the best years of Sue's life were devoted to YOU--think on these things--no offense intended.I've done the sant Mat route too-so I can see both sides clearly.I remember at Beas-everyone reading your book-"God's Whisper,Creation's Thunder-I have a copy too-best of luck-vinny152

Jennifer, I see nothing wrong with divorcing. Especially when, as in our case, it was a mutual decision; with no affair, abuse, or other nasty contentious situation involved; merely a growing apart of two people who were right for each other at first, and then weren't.

Also, the age difference between Sue and Laurel, wives one and two, is very little -- less than two years. Sue is slightly older than me; Laurel is slightly younger. However, I'm sure Laurel appreciates being called a "younger chick." She does indeed look quite a bit younger than her years.

I do my best to help out by looking gray and grizzled, which makes Laurel appear more youthful when she's next to me, whereas actually we're about the same age.

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