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January 03, 2009


I am totally a picture person with no clue what is under it but my husband is more into what will last the longest. We did more of our dickering before we finally decided to do it last year and bought a 46" flat screen and I have no idea of what else. I'd have bought one even bigger but he was right, that is the biggest our living room can handle. People were surprised we bought a big tv because we don't watch a lot of it but when I turn it on, I love having the large screen and a good picture. I also like the lighter weight and less space. If I had the right wall, I'd hang it on one, but unfortunately our living room is bookcases, glass doors and windows, with barely enough room to hang the really large paintings I prefer. For me it's been well worth upgrading and now that we have netflix, I am enjoying it even more as I can get an assortment of movies not available at local video stores.

It's all about the remote control. get a good remote.


What was your 42" LG70 sale price? I plan to get something after Feb. 19th.

Roger, the price was $999.99

Pretty good deal. List price is $1,700

Current Amazon price is $1,277


WOW.......my Best Buy store here in DFW, has it for $1,499.00.


Here in DFW, the LG-4270 sales for;

Best Buy - $1,499.00
Conn's - $1,499.00
Fry's - $1,599.00

I beginning to think some realllly bad karma is being directed here in Texas.


Guess that teaches you for electing a certain guy as Governor, and then favoring him as President. Or...you missed some good after Christmas sales.

I still like the LG4270. We had a warranty call yesterday, as some sound vibration/rattling is evident at times. The word was that this is a fairly common problem and LG has come up with a fix -- probably some sort of pad that goes under the speakers, which now are in contact with the plastic case. He hasn't gotten the part yet from LG.

Not a big deal, but something to be aware of if you get the TV and hear a rattle (seems mostly with deep voices). Just tell the LG warranty folks you need the speaker fix. If the TV was returned, the same thing might happen, so getting the fix is the way to go


This topic, is in regards to my 10 year old analog TV, in my bedroom. Hopefully, Obama can extend the digital transference date from 2-17-09 to a number of months down the road.

I would never get interested in paying $500 over your $999.

Anyway, thanks for the info issues on your LG70.


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