In case you're wondering what happened to my best-selling book (in the admittedly narrow Greek philosophy: Plotinus category), "Return to the One" is still available on Amazon.
I've published it under my Adrasteia Publishing imprint, having gotten the rights back from Unlimited Publishing as of January 1, 2009.
So now the book is in a transition zone.
The old Amazon listing doesn't show any decently priced new copies available, because that edition is out of print. But the positive reader reviews are still there.
The new "Return to the One" listing lacks the reviews, which hopefully will be copied over by Amazon soon. Correction of a single typo is the only difference between the 2004 and 2009 editions, aside from changes to the title and copyright pages.
Remember: it's never too early to start your Christmas shopping.
That special someone in your life who has always wanted a book about the third century Greek mystic philosopher, Plotinus, would be thrilled to find "Return to the One" under the tree come December.
I'm pushing for increased sales because Amazon should give my book more visibility once the new edition starts selling as well as the first edition did.
Yet currently the Adrasteia Publishing version is still largely hidden from an Amazon "Plotinus" or "Brian Hines" search view. Amazon listings take a while to automatically update, but I suspect that books which sell better get more rapid Amazonian visibility.